FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 Mhz - Kathmandu, Nepal
FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 Mhz
2 Reviews
FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 MhzDillibazar, P.O. Box: 3390, Ktm00977-1-4425401, 4442253
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FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 Mhz
Dillibazar, P.O. Box: 3390, Ktm, Kathmandu, Nepal
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FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 MhzDillibazar, P.O. Box: 3390, Ktm00977-1-4425401, 4442253
other program are too good but sometimes why you guys cannot continue a same program in a given specific time schedule ? in spite of that you go on changing the program schedule without any other notice ? is that your proper management ?
FM Adhyatma Jyoti 104.8 MhzDillibazar, P.O. Box: 3390, Ktm00977-1-4425401, 4442253
I have no words to express my sincere thanks for the excellent services provided by Adhyatma Jyoti.
In this fragile stage of cultural pollution, this FM has provided commendable religious and intellectual fed backs ideas preserving our Sanatan Hindu and Buddhist religion in Nepal. We all have to work hard to reduce if not prevent, the rampant conversion into Christianity. The illiterate, ignorance and poorest of the poor Nepali people have been falsely lured and cheated by the missionaries converting them.The Omkar family should unite and educate our sisters and brothers who unknowingly converting into other religion. If this sort of rampant conversion goes for some more years, Nepal will turn as a Christian nation that will invite religious intolerance and conflict. Let's unite and try to promote our culture, tradition and religion. Jaya Omkar Pariwar.
Dilli Raman Dhakal
In this fragile stage of cultural pollution, this FM has provided commendable religious and intellectual fed backs ideas preserving our Sanatan Hindu and Buddhist religion in Nepal. We all have to work hard to reduce if not prevent, the rampant conversion into Christianity. The illiterate, ignorance and poorest of the poor Nepali people have been falsely lured and cheated by the missionaries converting them.The Omkar family should unite and educate our sisters and brothers who unknowingly converting into other religion. If this sort of rampant conversion goes for some more years, Nepal will turn as a Christian nation that will invite religious intolerance and conflict. Let's unite and try to promote our culture, tradition and religion. Jaya Omkar Pariwar.
Dilli Raman Dhakal
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