Brass Etching Gift Set Singing Bowls 5.4''

Brass Etching Gift Set Singing Bowls 5.4''
About the product
Brass Etching Tibetan Singing Bowl is 5.4 Inches in diameter and weighs upto 850 gm -880 gm
Brass Etching Tibetan Gift Set Singing Bowls also contains a light and neatly designed wooden mallet with black leather which gives a sensual and soothing sound , hand sewn donut shape cushion made by jute and with broket box packing (cushion and broket box’s color option available).The sound of the Singing bowl has calming effects and provides one with clarity and peace of mind. It also aids in logical thinking and can be used for meditation, yoga and reiki sessions. These Tibetan bowl sets also add aesthetic beauty to the place where it is placed and can be perfectly thoughtful and meaningful present.Wonderful tone EASY to Play even by the beginners.Each singing bowls set is hand selected & inspected to ensure the best sound and quality before shipping.It is Cheap price tibetan singing bowls in Nepal
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