Agricultural Technology Centre (ATC) - Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company name
Agricultural Technology Centre (ATC)
Lane-2, Jwagal 10, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
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1993E-mail address
Company description
Agricultural Technology Center (ATC) is an agriculture specialist company that has provided plant and soil lab services, agricultural research, agricultural project consultancy services, plant clinic services, agricultural train-ing and a variety of agricultural technical solutions since its establishment in 1993. We work with farmers, agri-cultural investors, government agencies, I/NGOs and UN agencies to ensure that up-to-date and context-appropriate agricultural knowledge can be implemented effectively at field level where it matters most. A pro-fessional team with several years of experience in different areas of agricultural expertise, we serve our clients by providing high-quality technical solutions and research.
Efficient and reliable measures of the chemical
Development and dissemination of new agricultural tools and income generating opportunities.
Provide consultancy services to a wide range of clients in-cluding farmers, agricultural investors, agriculture-based livelihood projects, development projects focused on resili-ence to climate change and much more.
Conduct lab and field based agricultural research.
Provide short term training in solid waste management, organic farming, off-season vegetable farming, production and application of bacterial fertilizers, mushroom cultivation, seed production techniques, etc.
Efficient and reliable measures of the chemical
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and physical status of soil, compost, fertilizer, water and plants. Development and dissemination of new agricultural tools and income generating opportunities.
Provide consultancy services to a wide range of clients in-cluding farmers, agricultural investors, agriculture-based livelihood projects, development projects focused on resili-ence to climate change and much more.
Conduct lab and field based agricultural research.
Provide short term training in solid waste management, organic farming, off-season vegetable farming, production and application of bacterial fertilizers, mushroom cultivation, seed production techniques, etc.
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