BroadLink Networks and Communications Pvt. Ltd. - Lalitpur, Nepal
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Company name
BroadLink Networks and Communications Pvt. Ltd.
BroadLink Tower Sanepa, Lalitpur, Nepal
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Working hours
- Monday: 10 am–5 pm
- Tuesday: 10 am–5 pm
- Wednesday: 10 am–5 pm
- Thursday: 10 am–5 pm
- Friday: 10 am–5 pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: 10 am–5 pm
E-mail address
Company description
BroadLink secures new profits and capitalizes on the rising demand for a new breed of advanced technology into Internet, IP TV & Voice Calls for our partners by becoming a BroadLink business partner today. You’ll gain access to our extensive array of advanced technology solutions, exclusive lead-generation activities, sales and technical enablement, marketing collateral, deal registration and much more.
To be the primary Internet service provider and be able to continue serving customers with utmost quality and scale and be the provider of choice across Nepal and IT sector. We envision an Internet enabled Nepal where it will be our continuous effort to bring Internet to the most remote locations at affordable rates where otherwise is not possible.
We have asserted a unique business
Provide comprehensive and quality Internet solution to our customers by embedding efficient and economical technologies. Additionally, our team of quality staff whose prime significance is to provide proper and superior service to our customers will ensure that glitches and technical difficulties remain from minimum to none resulting in utter customer satisfaction.
To be the primary Internet service provider and be able to continue serving customers with utmost quality and scale and be the provider of choice across Nepal and IT sector. We envision an Internet enabled Nepal where it will be our continuous effort to bring Internet to the most remote locations at affordable rates where otherwise is not possible.
We have asserted a unique business
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model of providing broadband services via last mile cable operators to be able to make accessible for the people of remote locations also possible at affordable rates.Provide comprehensive and quality Internet solution to our customers by embedding efficient and economical technologies. Additionally, our team of quality staff whose prime significance is to provide proper and superior service to our customers will ensure that glitches and technical difficulties remain from minimum to none resulting in utter customer satisfaction.
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