Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd - Kathmandu, Nepal

Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd
Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd
Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd
Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd
  • Verified
  • +10Years
    With Us
Company name
Deep Digital Pvt.Ltd
Putalisadak, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact number
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Company manager
Sashila k.c
Establishment year
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Company description
Deep Digital is a registered private company under the registration number of 34013 at Company Register’s Office, Government of Nepal in Baisakh, 2062. Since, the inception period of B.S. 2055, at the name of K.C. electronics workshop, this company has been shaped with full fledged technical know-how and skilled technical manpower by providing in-depth technical services related to the computers and electronic equipments maintenance.
As per the demands of our valued clients and customers, this company has become able to expand our networks in form of sister concerns at different places in Kathmandu. Its main objectives is to disseminate latest information on information technology , buy and sales services including repairing and maintenance of computers and electronics goods and to  
Show more deliver desktop services besides other communication services.

Moreover, this company has recently initiated on-line shopping through the website of to cope with the selection of quality and durable product of electronic concerns by providing a substantial period of warranty and necessary information about the particular product to its valued buyers across the country and abroad especially to meet the following added corporate objective envisaged here in.

This company is much aware of the bitter fact of unemployment issues in the country by helping to unemployed youths to some extent by encouraging them to participate in its special on-line selling program as being a sales agent to playing a vital role in making a bridge between the company and actual buyer either through online or offline. So that in this way, they could use their time productively and could generate side income through the attractive incentive, provide by this company, upon completion of the said transaction by the respective sales agent. The said incentive amount depending on the nature of ordered products has been generated through its net profit margin from the sales of the said products.

Similarly, this company is much more concerned with the social cause in the society by providing financial support to the deprived people whose children though they are talent academically but are lagging behind to complete their education due to financial constraint , here they will fulfill their needs accordingly .For this act, this company has created of fund by generating certain amount through collection from the certain percentage of the net profit income of the company by selling the on-line and offline products to its valued customers.

For more details and technical information about the newly arrived electronic products, please logon to its online shopping website, .

Main objectives

1 Doing repair and maintenance based on annual maintenance agreement of computer/s and electronics goods.
2 Doing import and export of computers and electronics goods .
3 Generating skilled manpower in related field.
4 Providing technical safety measures for computers and electronics goods belong to our client/s.
5 Maintaining mutual salesmanship relationship though personal interaction among valued client.
6 Providing prompt and convenient service to our clients and customers through expansion of our networks in main area in Kathmandu.
7 Enhancing the concept of on-line shopping aggressively

Our Services & Facilities

Computers, Laptop ,Security items ,invertors, Batteries, Solar and accessories, [wholesale & Retail]

Maintenance with or without annual maintenance agreement , AMC
Laptop, Desktop ,Motherboard, Television, Invertors , Printer, Music System & Chip level Repairing.

Computer Hardware, Software & Networking.

Computers, Laptop, Batteries , Inverters.

On-line services
On-line shopping services including buy and sales of second handed electronic items besides newly arrived electronic items through the website,

Desktop related services (Typing, Printing, Designing, Photocopy, Spiral Binding,Lamination.) Entire printing related services including designing
hoarding board & it’s Printing.

Future plans of Deep Digital (Vision)

1. We will expand our branch offices around the RING ROAD to the interest and expectation our customers in order to save their time and undue cost.
2. We will import all goods direct from the factory and will provide the same to the user's house & office in wholesale price.
3. We will try to provide the facilities of selling, repairing and exchange of computers and accessories to our customers.
4. We will try to provide all information about the price of computer & its parts through our website and e-mail.
5. We will try to disseminate information on the new & advanced information technologies and products as and when will be launched in the local & international
6. We will try to solve general technical problems of computers faced by our members by online service or telephone.
7. We will insert a brief introduction in general, of our respective member in our website as a reference for our other members.
8. We will update the concept of on-line shopping with revised version more effectively and efficiently to meet the aspiration and expectation of our customers.


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