A-Roll Pvt. Ltd. - Kathmandu, Nepal

A-Roll Pvt. Ltd.
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A-Roll Pvt. Ltd.
Baluwatar, Gairidhara, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company description
Founded in 2006, A-Roll is the Nepal’s leading provider of business cheques, credits and secure encoded documents, and provides electronic payment solutions to financial institutions and their customers both in Nepal and internationally.

Utilizing specialist knowledge and expertise in operation, A-Roll has developed a comprehensive range of bespoke and innovative products, services and solutions. professionals in printing industry with at least 20 years of experience joined to provide services and production creating and increasing customer awareness about the potential risk of counterfeiting by setting the mission to embrace security printing technologies to the widest scope of applications. A-Roll has introduced on its market the latest security printing technologies based on  
Show more chemistry, colors, optical effects, paper and marking.

Accredited to ISO 9001:2008 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 A-Roll possesses advanced infrastructure that a security press must have. it has earthquake proof building bordered by high wall with additional wire fencing and clock manning for 24 hours. it has space for security paper storage, pre-press, printing, binding and dispatch activities under one roof. production is managed by data backup system from order receipt till the dispatch. there are close circuit TV in key centers to remotely watch the production process with at least one month’s image backup. there is shredding machine to shred defective print very tiny pieces and environment friendly waste disposal pit. there are separate AC control rooms and separate rooms for stock and store.

Security matters. it is the matter of trust. visit all but trust one, for A-Roll is committed to deliver long-term and sustainable value to its customers, group members and staffs. with its highly motivated and dedicated staffs, state-of-the-art equipment, common operating systems and encrypted data lines enable work performance in absolute security maintaining quality, time, security and satisfaction (QTSS).

Founded in 2006, A-Roll is the Nepal’s leading provider of business cheques, credits and secure encoded documents and provides electronic payment solutions to financial institutions and their customers both in Nepal and internationally.

Utilizing specialist knowledge and expertise in operation, A-Roll has developed a comprehensive range of bespoke and innovation products, services and solution. Professionals in printing industry with at least 20 years of experience joined to provide services and production creating and increasing customer awareness about the potential risk of counterfeiting by settings.

Quality Policy
A-Roll is committed to provide printing services in national and international markets ensuring the best products complying with statutory and regulatory norms, reviewing quality objectives and timely delivery through continual improvement in quality management systems so that customer will satisfy at high level.
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