THE EAGLE EXPORT - Kathmandu, Nepal
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company manager STEPHEN DHAKAL
Establishment year 1998
Employees 6-10
E-mail address
Company description
Eagle Export Cargo is your No.1 choice.
1. Over 12 years of shipping experience.
2. Flexible, intelligent and creative logistic solutions.
3. Excellent written and spoken English skills.
4. A professional attitude, always.
5. Conveniently located offices in the heart of Kathmandu.
6. 24 hour telephone support.
7. Close working relationship with international brands.
8. Emphasis on customer satisfaction, from start to finish.
9. An international reputation for perfection.
10. Polite and courteous staff to assist you, every step of the way.
1. Over 12 years of shipping experience.
2. Flexible, intelligent and creative logistic solutions.
3. Excellent written and spoken English skills.
4. A professional attitude, always.
5. Conveniently located offices in the heart of Kathmandu.
6. 24 hour telephone support.
7. Close working relationship with international brands.
8. Emphasis on customer satisfaction, from start to finish.
9. An international reputation for perfection.
10. Polite and courteous staff to assist you, every step of the way.
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