Esewa Nepal - Kathmandu

Esewa Nepal
Company name
Esewa Nepal
Dillibazar, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company description
Established in 2009, eSewa has become an iconic name in South Asia. It is Nepal's first digital wallet, approved by Nepal Rastra Bank (Central Bank of Nepal) and holds the ISO 27001:2013 certification. eSewa is a subsidiary of F1Soft International, a leading FinTech company in Nepal. The goal of eSewa is to build a cashless economy, so the team has onboarded more than 150,000 merchants, 50+ banks and financial institutions all over the country. With eSewa, users can easily make payments for their bills, recharge their phones, pay utility bills, internet and TV bills, school fees, and more - all at their fingertips. Furthermore, they can now make payments to the Inland Revenue Department, Traffic Fines, Department of Foreign Employment, and other government offices. In 2017, eSewa received  
Show more GSMA innovation fund and UK Department for International Development (DFID) funding. It has enabled financial access for over 5 million people in Nepal through its 130,000 agent networks. Not only that, but eSewa's agent-led model has provided job opportunities to hundreds of people and has supported many retail and wholesale businesses and entrepreneurs in the country. From releasing a brand anthem to sponsoring national reality shows, eSewa has made itself a household name and a pioneer in the digital payments industry, as well as F1Soft's most successful brand.


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