Creative Press (P) Ltd. - Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company name
Creative Press (P) Ltd.
95 Hattimahankal Marg Ka Ma Na Pa Ward No 5,Handigaon,Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Tuesday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Wednesday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Thursday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Friday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Saturday: 9.00-7.00pm
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Rajendra ChapagainEstablishment year
16-25VAT registration
500026128E-mail address
Company description
Introduction and background
With the dawn of democracy in 1990 Government of Nepal adopted liberal economic policy which resulted enormous business climate in the fields of industry and service sector. The spontaneous climate of market economy enticed business communities to come forward and take advantage of given situations which were never before. Country had experienced overwhelmed response by private sector to commence their much awaited plan to be executed. Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Star Hotels, Educational Institutions as well as business enterprises came one after another which offered great enthusiasm and opportunities for business like us. We just graduated student of Tribhuvan University having commitments and convictions decided to erect a complete printing house without
Since its inception we have had strongly belief that printing sector is ever growing and it would hardly impact by any type of recession to come since large no of students in our country needs educations and medium to educate them is not other than schools text books. So we kept focused our self on schools text books and commercial print which drove us as a pioneer printing house.
We kept moved forward and things went well towards the goals once set up. Nevertheless we did not jump at once because we always have had fear to loose the hard earned reputation. We slowly and steady moved forward and have been successful to deliver quality work. Today we have privilege to say that Creative Press pvt ltd stands as a very prestigious printing houses in Nepal having technical and financial strength to address the future business to come. So we are grateful to that customer who has always supported us for further enhancements. They all really deserves for appreciation, without them we wouldn't have been this position.
A journey of 20 years in printing industry was not like sitting on cushion whereas our country has experienced numerous uncertainties and chaos after every change in the system as well as government from one party system to multi party system and constitutional monarch to republic within the time span of two decade. It is pertinent to say that our persistence and dedication towards our profession fetched us this position and today we are more focused than ever to provide the best services as possible. Our range of products are Books, Calendars, Flipcharts, Danglers, Leaflets, Flyer, posters, Report Printings, letterheads etc. Long association with International agency gave us robust growth of expertise which can’t be taken in terms of money. More importantly we are committed to apply our best to enrich the quality we deliver.
Vision and Mission
It is our conviction that we would leave no stone unturned to retain the title of the most reliable printing house. It is a time where product cannot be believed by saying but it can be believed by performing in much better way than before. So we have erected world renowned printing machine like Heidelberg which can produce four colors at once makes easy for in time production. To be honest only the printing machine is not sufficient for quality production. The right choices of pre press and post press machines are prerequisite to deliver quality. We have recently added CTP (Computer to Plate) machine which ensures valuable contribution for timely production than before. We have a vision to go hand in hand with customer enriching their product with enhanced and sharpened technology not increasing their cost significantly to realize our endeavor for transformation into modern era.
Brain we have
Besides impressive collection of good machineries s we have skilled manpower comprising depth knowledge of printing and publishing. Creative Press Private Ltd is such a press where most of its worker has been working since its beginning which really inspires us to groom as a family business.
To make possible every work within one umbrella we have set up a designing section as a complement to the printing works. We realized our decisions went exceptionally well when we start receiving more and more appreciations from the customers. Today our most of the clients are relying to our in house designing. Se we here would like to express our offer to our valued client to take this advantage.
Creative Press Private Ltd has its own newly permanent three storied building comprising around 12000 square feet working area and good space for parking located at House no 95 Hattimahankal Marg ,Ka Ma Na Pa ward no 5,Handigaon Katmandu Nepal.
With the dawn of democracy in 1990 Government of Nepal adopted liberal economic policy which resulted enormous business climate in the fields of industry and service sector. The spontaneous climate of market economy enticed business communities to come forward and take advantage of given situations which were never before. Country had experienced overwhelmed response by private sector to commence their much awaited plan to be executed. Nursing Homes, Hospitals, Star Hotels, Educational Institutions as well as business enterprises came one after another which offered great enthusiasm and opportunities for business like us. We just graduated student of Tribhuvan University having commitments and convictions decided to erect a complete printing house without
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any delay which would serve quality printout with modern technology. Thus we set up Creative Press Private limited company in 1993.Since its inception we have had strongly belief that printing sector is ever growing and it would hardly impact by any type of recession to come since large no of students in our country needs educations and medium to educate them is not other than schools text books. So we kept focused our self on schools text books and commercial print which drove us as a pioneer printing house.
We kept moved forward and things went well towards the goals once set up. Nevertheless we did not jump at once because we always have had fear to loose the hard earned reputation. We slowly and steady moved forward and have been successful to deliver quality work. Today we have privilege to say that Creative Press pvt ltd stands as a very prestigious printing houses in Nepal having technical and financial strength to address the future business to come. So we are grateful to that customer who has always supported us for further enhancements. They all really deserves for appreciation, without them we wouldn't have been this position.
A journey of 20 years in printing industry was not like sitting on cushion whereas our country has experienced numerous uncertainties and chaos after every change in the system as well as government from one party system to multi party system and constitutional monarch to republic within the time span of two decade. It is pertinent to say that our persistence and dedication towards our profession fetched us this position and today we are more focused than ever to provide the best services as possible. Our range of products are Books, Calendars, Flipcharts, Danglers, Leaflets, Flyer, posters, Report Printings, letterheads etc. Long association with International agency gave us robust growth of expertise which can’t be taken in terms of money. More importantly we are committed to apply our best to enrich the quality we deliver.
Vision and Mission
It is our conviction that we would leave no stone unturned to retain the title of the most reliable printing house. It is a time where product cannot be believed by saying but it can be believed by performing in much better way than before. So we have erected world renowned printing machine like Heidelberg which can produce four colors at once makes easy for in time production. To be honest only the printing machine is not sufficient for quality production. The right choices of pre press and post press machines are prerequisite to deliver quality. We have recently added CTP (Computer to Plate) machine which ensures valuable contribution for timely production than before. We have a vision to go hand in hand with customer enriching their product with enhanced and sharpened technology not increasing their cost significantly to realize our endeavor for transformation into modern era.
Brain we have
Besides impressive collection of good machineries s we have skilled manpower comprising depth knowledge of printing and publishing. Creative Press Private Ltd is such a press where most of its worker has been working since its beginning which really inspires us to groom as a family business.
To make possible every work within one umbrella we have set up a designing section as a complement to the printing works. We realized our decisions went exceptionally well when we start receiving more and more appreciations from the customers. Today our most of the clients are relying to our in house designing. Se we here would like to express our offer to our valued client to take this advantage.
Creative Press Private Ltd has its own newly permanent three storied building comprising around 12000 square feet working area and good space for parking located at House no 95 Hattimahankal Marg ,Ka Ma Na Pa ward no 5,Handigaon Katmandu Nepal.
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