Saleways Department Store - Pokhara, Nepal
Saleways Department Store
3 Reviews
Saleways Department StoreChipledhunga530977, 524139
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Saleways Department Store
Chipledhunga, Pokhara, Nepal
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Saleways Department StoreChipledhunga530977, 524139
Pathetic service
The guard is not doing his duty in fact wasting time with the lady cash counter staff and misbehaving with customer. Date 31/10/2019 time 17.47
No purchase from my side
No purchase from my side
Saleways Department StoreChipledhunga530977, 524139
Customer Care is bullshit. If you want to inquire something through phone, they just keep the phone aside leaving us stranded on the other side. I tried to ask something but the guy on the other side just said he couldn't understand what I meant and started speaking to another guy keeping me saying hello hello from my side. Total bullshit. I'll never ever visit this store. Bhat Bhateni's customer service is good.
Saleways Department StoreChipledhunga530977, 524139
I went shopping and had two big heavy bag full of things from other stores and requested the guard if I was allowed to keep the bag on the other side of the shop while I shopped in Saleways as my disabled mum was waiting there and the taxi driver whose petrol is pretty much at the end of it was gonna come that way(note there is extreme shortage of fuel). The guard was NOT helpful and so was the other guy who was on the front desk.I was told to carry my two heavy bag all the way to the other end of the shop long way round through the bazaar and was not considered helping me. This shows that Saleways is only a money making company with no Customer service !!!!! Such a same. By the way I did buy quite a lot of things from there as planned after walking the long way round. I regret buying now and should have gone to the local shops .
I had the same experience. I have written a review about their customer care service.
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