Mountain Tiger Nepal Pvt Ltd. - Kathmandu
0.00 Reviews
Hotel name
Mountain Tiger Nepal Pvt Ltd.
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 9:30 - 8:30
- Tuesday: 9:30 - 8:30
- Wednesday: 9:30 - 8:30
- Thursday: 9:30 - 8:30
- Friday: 9:30 - 8:30
- Saturday: 9:30 - 1:30
- Sunday: 9:30 - 8:30
Company manager
Binod Raj PaudyalEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
We are Mountain Tiger Nepal, Adventure and Eco Travel, license holder of The Ministry of Tourism, The Government of Nepal, Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), (TAAN), (NMA), aim to provide the impeccable service to the Himalayan adventure seekers for Trekking, Tour, Rafting, Jungle safari Activities, organize the Seminar, Conference, hotel reservation, Airfare reservation, Vehicle reservation etc mainly in Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan since 2005. We provide everything from meeting and greeting our clients at the airport, to cultural visits, permit arrangements and trained and experienced trek support crew and leaders. We also arrange emergency evacuation and support.
We welcome you to embark on a journey that will leave an indelible mark on you. Nothing can capture the mysteries and magnificence of
Our aim is to transport our guests to remote and beautiful parts of this extraordinary country and allow them to experience the environment at its most natural. We believe in good food and comfortable rooms, but above all we believe in great staff – its them who will bring the experience alive for you: crafting memories, creating experiences – that’s what we’re all about. Come and see for yourself.
Our ethos is to follow our Nepali traditions of hospitality and welcome guests to share our homeland, the Himalaya with our clients.
1. We share our great experience of trekking and exploration of the mountains.
2. We share our team’s wealth of skills, expertise and understanding to provide excellent services now and to develop new services hand-in-hand with our partners.
3. We share our sensitivity and responsibility to the cultures and environments where we go. More than this we share the benefits of our ventures to improve and be a real help to these communities and the natural world around us.
4. We share our connections, our strength and ability to make things happen.
5. And most of all we share our passion for the mountains, nature and the people of our beautiful Himalaya.
We welcome you to embark on a journey that will leave an indelible mark on you. Nothing can capture the mysteries and magnificence of
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the Himalayas except experience. The crisp mountain air, the languid lifestyle, the ever-smiling people and the mysteries of the land waiting to unfold are like "manna" for a soul - rejuvenating and magnificent.Our aim is to transport our guests to remote and beautiful parts of this extraordinary country and allow them to experience the environment at its most natural. We believe in good food and comfortable rooms, but above all we believe in great staff – its them who will bring the experience alive for you: crafting memories, creating experiences – that’s what we’re all about. Come and see for yourself.
Our ethos is to follow our Nepali traditions of hospitality and welcome guests to share our homeland, the Himalaya with our clients.
1. We share our great experience of trekking and exploration of the mountains.
2. We share our team’s wealth of skills, expertise and understanding to provide excellent services now and to develop new services hand-in-hand with our partners.
3. We share our sensitivity and responsibility to the cultures and environments where we go. More than this we share the benefits of our ventures to improve and be a real help to these communities and the natural world around us.
4. We share our connections, our strength and ability to make things happen.
5. And most of all we share our passion for the mountains, nature and the people of our beautiful Himalaya.
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