Nepamount Trekking Pvt. Ltd. - Kathmandu, Nepal
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Nepamount Trekking Pvt. Ltd.
St. Jorpati-2, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Company description
If you're looking for an adventure-filled getaway and have a keen interest in nature, Nepal is the perfect destination for your next vacation. Let's Go Cool (Nepamount) Tours and Treks offers a variety of activities such as trekking, mountain climbing, river rafting, paragliding, and bird watching. We also offer custom-made programs for those looking to explore more than just the views. Our cultural tours provide an authentic experience, allowing you to submerge yourself into the local culture and traditions. You'll be able to get to know the people, share in their daily lives, understand their culture, and even learn how to make new dishes.
The team at Let's Go Cool is passionate about exploration and tourism, and are dedicated to preserving the fascinating landscapes of Nepal. We are
At Let's Go Cool, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to discover Nepal deeply, and that means getting up close and personal with the local people. Our goal is to provide a unique experience that can't be found in any of the standard packages
The team at Let's Go Cool is passionate about exploration and tourism, and are dedicated to preserving the fascinating landscapes of Nepal. We are
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also aware of the negative impacts of tourism, and strive to provide a responsible and accountable way to travel. Our standard packages include all the amenities you'd expect, but also provide insight into the effects of these habits on the region and its inhabitants. We want to ensure our customers are fully aware of the situation in Nepal and are able to experience the country in the most responsible way possible.At Let's Go Cool, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to discover Nepal deeply, and that means getting up close and personal with the local people. Our goal is to provide a unique experience that can't be found in any of the standard packages
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