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Company name
3rd floor, King's Way Tower, Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
- Saturday: Week holiday
- Sunday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Company manager
Gokul PokhrelEstablishment year
101-200Registration code
12396/056/57VAT registration
300071399E-mail address
Company description
Megatech Trade Group is a pioneering and fast emerging organization in the sector of Information and Communications Technology in Nepal. Founded as a firm in 1995 AD in Biratnagar, we have been involved in the import, sales and services for the electronics products. Since then, we have grown to a corporate company dealing with renowned international brands such as Lenovo, Western Digital, Matrix Telecom & Securities, JCM, Numeric (Legrand), SanDisk, etc. and also with our own productions such as Asian Batteries and Asian Feeds.
We have successfully delivered quality products and services to our beloved customers since two decades. We would continue further, and are working hard to promote a better digital life in Nepal in order to accommodate the ever-growing technological
Megatech Trade Group believes in healthy competitiveness, efficiency, reliability, consumer satisfaction, genuine products and positive attitude towards development of our nation.
As a leading name in the ICT sector in Nepal, we would like to spread our hands on providing genuine and reliable ICT products and services to everyone. We would like to help ICT product users have ease of access to genuine and effective products and services and to save them from refurbished ICT products and unreliable technical services.
We are constantly expanding our outlets and service centers to reach more and more people across Nepal to have ease of access to genuine ICT products and services.
We have successfully delivered quality products and services to our beloved customers since two decades. We would continue further, and are working hard to promote a better digital life in Nepal in order to accommodate the ever-growing technological
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requirements and challenges.Megatech Trade Group believes in healthy competitiveness, efficiency, reliability, consumer satisfaction, genuine products and positive attitude towards development of our nation.
As a leading name in the ICT sector in Nepal, we would like to spread our hands on providing genuine and reliable ICT products and services to everyone. We would like to help ICT product users have ease of access to genuine and effective products and services and to save them from refurbished ICT products and unreliable technical services.
We are constantly expanding our outlets and service centers to reach more and more people across Nepal to have ease of access to genuine ICT products and services.
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