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Hatkhola-7, District - Morang, Biratnagar, Nepal
Contact number
+977-21-442626. +97-1-442216
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Company description
Rathi Group is one of the oldest and largest business houses in the country. The group operates from the industrial city of Biratnagar, Nepal. The group was founded by Late Seth Shri. Rama Kishan Rathi whose name is taken with immense respect and symbol for honesty, sincerity, integrity and hard-work in the business community of Nepal. Late Rama Kishan Rathi, a man of dreams, whose forefathers came all the way from Rajasthan in search of better living and prosperity for the family. The hard work and toil of Late Rama Kishan Rathi along with his two brothers Shrikishan Rathi and Jaikishan Rathi established them as a successful entrepreneurs and an important pillar of the society.
Rama Kishan Rathi
Rama Kishan Rathi also played a vital role in building a better and harmonious society where the citizens can live in peace and brotherhood. Out of his hard earned property, he donated few acres of land to the society to build a community hall where social gatherings can be organized. Apart from this, he also took active part in all the social activities.
The group has now further diversified their business into multiple business trajectories of hospitality, import & export, logistics, manufacturing, services and trading.
Rama Kishan Rathi
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commenced the business by trading the commodities procured from nearby Indian market and selling the same to the local market and the adjacent rural markets. Further, he embarked into the rice business and established JUGAL RICE & OIL MILLS Pvt. Ltd. This venture became a history in the country’s rice export and he was soon recognized as the “Rice King of Nepal”. The company exported quality rice to not only the Asian countries but also to few European countries.Rama Kishan Rathi also played a vital role in building a better and harmonious society where the citizens can live in peace and brotherhood. Out of his hard earned property, he donated few acres of land to the society to build a community hall where social gatherings can be organized. Apart from this, he also took active part in all the social activities.
The group has now further diversified their business into multiple business trajectories of hospitality, import & export, logistics, manufacturing, services and trading.
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