GORKHA LAHARI PVT. LTD. - Hetauda, Nepal

1 Review
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Ind.State, Hetauda, Nepal
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1 Review
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qualitty of product
I am very much disappointed with your all products.you cannot compete with highly standard brands of nepal which are grossing worldwide.Your product fails to With due respect i really want the company to improve from the production team and the marketing team as well.YOur whole team should work very hard to improvise.

Sincerely yours
I don't think the product is of that low quality. If you are talking about the products quality then you should not be that disappointed as the price is very reasonable in terms of other of its competitor brands and the taste is also very smooth. I'm not endorsed by this company or am I related to it in any way. But I would like to defend it on the things you have said. So if they were to charge more then yes they can deliver better but they aren't charging as much as others. So in terms of that it's very reasonable. And I would also like to add a thing that is the dirty game played by the main monopoly tobacco company here in Nepal. I will not take the name of that company but they really do dirty jobs with other tobacco company to completely make them run out of business here in Nepal.
Therefore I am happily consuming the products given to us by Gorkha Lahari.
Thank you

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