Eagle Export & Cargo Services - Kathmandu, Nepal
Eagle Export & Cargo Services
1 Review
Eagle Export & Cargo ServicesTHamel, P.O. Box: 8974 CPC 36600977-1-4701022, 9841325328https://www.nepalyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Company name
Eagle Export & Cargo Services
THamel, P.O. Box: 8974 CPC 366, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Eagle Export & Cargo ServicesTHamel, P.O. Box: 8974 CPC 36600977-1-4701022, 9841325328https://www.nepalyp.com/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Very disappointed about their services! They promised mi items will be delivered within one week but this never happened.
They were very bad at answering emails and did not always answer the phone. In addition to this they opened and searched all over my things violating my privacy. Not to mention some expensive hair products were missing from my bag, and they never provided a receipt. I would highly recommend you all to reconsider using this company!
They were very bad at answering emails and did not always answer the phone. In addition to this they opened and searched all over my things violating my privacy. Not to mention some expensive hair products were missing from my bag, and they never provided a receipt. I would highly recommend you all to reconsider using this company!
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