Techno Cottage Nepal - Patan
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With Us
Company name
Techno Cottage Nepal
Shangrila Street (Opp. Greenwich Village), Kupondole Heights, Lalitpur, Nepal, Patan
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Anup Khanal, Sajal SharmaEstablishment year
16-25Registration code
3355/068VAT registration
600430739E-mail address
Company description
Techno Cottage Nepal is a not for profit organization Techno Cottage Nepal that runs solely on the initiation of its members and the help given by benevolent donors and volunteers.
Established in 2011, Techno Cottage Nepal’s main objective is to work for the awareness and involvement of Nepalese Citizens in the field of Information & Technology. We aim at improving the living standards of our society through the means of Information Technology. We believe in the power and opportunity that technology can provide to the people to shape their lives and thus, we want to be a medium to bring the two together. The members of this organization are self-motivated and have a vision to provide the children and young adults of rural areas with the knowledge about Technology and its use in our
Our Vision:
To help uplift the socio-economic standard of backward and under-privileged youth and children from all around Nepal through the means of Information Technology.
Our Mission:
The mission of Techno Cottage Nepal is to educate and help Nepalese society about the usefulness and importance of IT in their daily lives. We also seek to impart knowledge to people on how they can use technology to enhance their business, communication, and personal skills to present themselves in this competitive world.
Established in 2011, Techno Cottage Nepal’s main objective is to work for the awareness and involvement of Nepalese Citizens in the field of Information & Technology. We aim at improving the living standards of our society through the means of Information Technology. We believe in the power and opportunity that technology can provide to the people to shape their lives and thus, we want to be a medium to bring the two together. The members of this organization are self-motivated and have a vision to provide the children and young adults of rural areas with the knowledge about Technology and its use in our
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lives.Our Vision:
To help uplift the socio-economic standard of backward and under-privileged youth and children from all around Nepal through the means of Information Technology.
Our Mission:
The mission of Techno Cottage Nepal is to educate and help Nepalese society about the usefulness and importance of IT in their daily lives. We also seek to impart knowledge to people on how they can use technology to enhance their business, communication, and personal skills to present themselves in this competitive world.
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