Maitri Hanuman Brick Factory - Bhaktapur, Nepal
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Listing - +7Years
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Company name
Maitri Hanuman Brick Factory
Jagati, Bhaktapur, Nepal
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Working hours
- Monday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Tuesday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Wednesday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Thursday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Friday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Saturday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
- Sunday: 06:00 am - 06:00 pm
Establishment year
501-1000Company description
Maitri Hanuman Brick Factory is the top factory among Bhaktapur area. Including Jagati we have 6 branches situated in diffrenet area which serve same quality of bricks in a reason and affordable price. Our bricks are originally made by hands.
Bricks are actually made from clay or shale.Usually a brickwork is located on a clay bedrock (the most common material from which bricks are made), often with a quarry for clay on site, clay is taken from the quarry, and then carried by truck/lorry to the main station, although it may be stockpiled outside before entering the machinery. When the clay enters the preparation plant (Clay Prep) it is crushed, and mixed with water and other additives which may include breeze, a very fine anthracite that aids firing. This process, which is also known
Bricks are actually made from clay or shale.Usually a brickwork is located on a clay bedrock (the most common material from which bricks are made), often with a quarry for clay on site, clay is taken from the quarry, and then carried by truck/lorry to the main station, although it may be stockpiled outside before entering the machinery. When the clay enters the preparation plant (Clay Prep) it is crushed, and mixed with water and other additives which may include breeze, a very fine anthracite that aids firing. This process, which is also known
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as pugmilling, improves the consistency, firing qualities, texture, and colour of the brick. From here, the processed clay can be extruded into a continuous strip and cut with wires, or put into moulds or presses (also referred to as forming) to form the clay into its final shape. After the forming or cutting, the bricks must be dried, either in the open air, in drying sheds, or in special drying kilns. When the bricks have been dried, they must then be fired or 'burnt' in a kiln, to give them their final hardness and appearance.Location map
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Products & Services 2
- HOT BricksBricks prices does change according to the season.
- Plastic molds for bricksMolds is used for the process of manufacturing by shaping li...
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