The Best Mad Honey - Besisahar, Nepal
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Listing - +5Years
With Us
Company name
The Best Mad Honey
Lamjung, Besisahar, Nepal
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Tuesday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Wednesday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Thursday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Friday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Saturday: 10:00 - 5:00
- Sunday: 10:00 - 5:00
Company manager
Sanjay KafleEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
Mad Honey Hunting
In Nepal, Gurung tribes have been found to collect mad honey from upper hills in the lap of Himalayas amid rhododendron flowers, from centuries. To revive this dying sport and promote one of the rarest honey in the world globally, we have partner with the locals of Gurungs and Ghale tribes in upper Himalayas of Lamjung District of central Nepal.
In the month of April to June, we stay in the forest with hunters to collect honey and facilitate them with food and other necessities. The younger generation is not inclined to this risky tradition. We want to promote this rarest tradition as hunters family are involved in this business which can give amble financial return.. As the final expedition completes, we bring all the honey to Kathmandu maintaining its utmost
With this rare honey — a recreational drug and traditional medicine, we want our customers to be opportune with unique test and countless benefits.
In Nepal, Gurung tribes have been found to collect mad honey from upper hills in the lap of Himalayas amid rhododendron flowers, from centuries. To revive this dying sport and promote one of the rarest honey in the world globally, we have partner with the locals of Gurungs and Ghale tribes in upper Himalayas of Lamjung District of central Nepal.
In the month of April to June, we stay in the forest with hunters to collect honey and facilitate them with food and other necessities. The younger generation is not inclined to this risky tradition. We want to promote this rarest tradition as hunters family are involved in this business which can give amble financial return.. As the final expedition completes, we bring all the honey to Kathmandu maintaining its utmost
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purity, package as it is and ship globally.With this rare honey — a recreational drug and traditional medicine, we want our customers to be opportune with unique test and countless benefits.
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- Mad HoneyMad Honey Hunting In Nepal, Gurung tribes have been found t...
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