Holiday Planner Nepal - Kathmandu
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Holiday Planner Nepal
Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
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Working hours
- Monday: 0:0-11:59
- Tuesday: 0:0-11:59
- Wednesday: 0:0-11:59
- Thursday: 0:0-11:59
- Friday: 0:0-11:59
- Saturday: 0:0-11:59
- Sunday: 0:0-11:59
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Holiday Planner NepalEstablishment year
6-10E-mail address
Company description
“Holiday Planner Nepal is one of the pioneer adventure travel operators specializing in culture, traditions, tours, treks, and expeditions towards the Himalayas.”
Specializing in unique cultural tours, yoga, wellness tours, trekking, peak climbing, and adventure holidays in Nepal, Holiday Planner Nepal makes sure you’ll get the best possible experience. Holiday Planner Nepal was established to provide a better holiday service in Nepal so that more people could enjoy this amazing country hidden in the Himalayas. Our only focus is not on the Himalayas but, also on the various cultural aspects of the country by organizing incredible holiday tours, visiting cultural sites like Kathmandu, Lumbini, and Pokhara, and exploring their ancient temples and palaces. Holiday Tours Nepal is not
Specializing in unique cultural tours, yoga, wellness tours, trekking, peak climbing, and adventure holidays in Nepal, Holiday Planner Nepal makes sure you’ll get the best possible experience. Holiday Planner Nepal was established to provide a better holiday service in Nepal so that more people could enjoy this amazing country hidden in the Himalayas. Our only focus is not on the Himalayas but, also on the various cultural aspects of the country by organizing incredible holiday tours, visiting cultural sites like Kathmandu, Lumbini, and Pokhara, and exploring their ancient temples and palaces. Holiday Tours Nepal is not
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limited to Nepal but even organizes holiday tours in Bhutan, Tibet, and other countries according to the desires and necessities of the clients.Location map
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